Monday, September 3, 2012

Creative Wisdom: Where to Begin - and How?

There is no such thing as starting where Cezanne left off. You have to start where he started... at the beginning. ~Kimon Nicolaides
Now is the best time to start: My children go back to school this week. This has been a wonderful summer full of family, travel, and even a lazy day or two at the pool. But now I think we're all ready to get back into the routine of things. I find myself re-energized at this time of the year. I'm ready to make a new start and accomplish big things!

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. ~Zig Ziglar
Often, a very small action sets the stage for large results: This is a philosophy that I believe applies to many facets of our lives. Getting out of bed begins with the simple act of opening your eyes. You pick up a pencil to sketch. Your next work of art might begin by sewing two scraps of fabric together. Think for a minute about what it is that you want to accomplish and write it down. Do you want to "finish a quilt and enter it in a show" or "learn to sketch" or "go back to school?" No holds barred - dream big!

If your goal seems overwhelming and unreachable try finding the smallest possible beginning step. What if you walk in to your studio or creative space, pull out a piece of paper, or google one college and write down it's name? These are minute steps but they are, in fact, a beginning. Sometimes kicking a pebble can start an avalanche thundering down a hill. More often, it just moves the pebble a little further down the path. So tomorrow, wake up and kick the pebble again. You'll get there eventually!

Where to begin? Try this:
1 - Turn off the computer and walk to where you create.
2 - Clear off one square foot of table next to your machine.
3 - Pick up two pieces of fabric and sew them together.

This month I think I'm going to put my philosphy to the test. Each day on my blog (and probably on FaceBook) I'll post a small "starter" and show you the results. I'd love it very much if you played along with me! What is it you want to accomplish? What will happen after you take the first tiny step - and the next - and the next? And..... what shall we name this endeavor? Anyone have a pithy little word that signifies the act of beginning? Send me an email and let me know!

Some ideas are 
Baby Steps